Saturday, March 4, 2023


Saturday, March 4, 2023

Psalms 11; 12

Genesis 42:18-38

Luke 12:35-48

You, O LORD, will protect us; you will guard us from this generation forever.

There are a lot of ideas floating around today (and always have, to be honest) about which group of people is responsible for all the world’s misery, and the corollary, how that misery will be solved by the removal of those people from their positions of influence. In our own culture, we have seen that school of thought evolve into its own religion. And just like the wars of religion in ages past, doctrinal differences between adherents of this religion is being fought in what the internet calls the “culture wars”.

One of the most important reasons why we do the daily office – why we follow a strict regimen of prayer and Bible study – is so that we can step back from the base quarrels of the world, connect back into the real world, remind ourselves of the context in which everything in our lives occur, and so approach every situation with wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

When it comes to “flashpoint” skirmishes and battles in the culture wars (which usually revolve around something to do with sexual issues these days, but happen all over the place), we should remember the twelfth Psalm. When we see something on the TV, or read something on social media that really gets the adrenaline going, we should remember that all that is happening is wagging tongues trying to be something more than they are (vv. 3-4).

Outside the gates of the fortress of the LORD, wickedness prowls. We Christians are little lambs; children of God, being held in safety. We aren’t built for the culture wars. We are made for bold truth and consistent, generous love.


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