Saturday, March 11, 2023


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Psalms 28; 29

Genesis 45:16-46:7

Luke 14:15-34

The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.

The Lord speaks, and trees splinter. Lightning flashes, and thunder crashes. Deserts are thrown into sandstorms.

This is child’s play. When the Spirit of God hovered over the void, God spoke, and the universe rushed into being, a whirlwind of light and sound and smell.

Then God breathed into some mud, spoke a blessing over it, and humans were formed. The voice of the Lord wrought relationships into being, and God spoke about a great mission and a grand adventure called “Creation”, and it was so.

Not only from unlife, but from the dead does the Lord create life with only His voice. Bleached bones grow muscles, sinews, skin, brain tissue – and they make a shelter for a human spirit, back from the place of the dead. This reborn human hears the voice of their Lord, stands up, and follows Him back home to everlasting life.

The power of the voice of the Lord is given to us, whenever we pray and bless each other in His name, in the name of Jesus. Lord, I bless me. Lord, I bless your people. Lord, I bless your creation. Lord, make everything new, and lovely, and perfect – in the name of your Word, your Son, Jesus Christ.


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