Monday, March 27, 2023


Monday, March 27, 2023

Psalm 68:1-20

Exodus 7:8-24

Luke 20:1-18

So they answered that they did not know where it came from.

Our conscience is a very useful thing. It is like a dial on the display panel of our soul, telling us whether certain actions and attitudes are spiritually damaging or not.

But our conscience is not the same as the voice of God the Holy Spirit. God speaks from somewhere external to our self, telling us “this is the way, walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21) God’s voice then interacts with our conscience; this is when the dial starts moving.

Pharaoh had been told by the prophets of the one true God to allow His people to leave. Upon refusal, his river was turned to blood. But his sorcerers were able to conjure up a reasonable enough counterfeit, and so Pharaoh was able to dull his conscience in spite of the definite voice of the Almighty. The dial was bouncing, but Pharaoh looked away.

Jesus’ enemies knew the scriptures back to front, and Jesus was not only talking the talk but walking the walk of the Messiah. Imagine the dashboard console display of their conscience: lights flashing, alarms blaring, dial screens cracking under the pressure.

Pride deadens the conscience. Pride is what blocks the passage of God’s word to our hearts. Eventually, God just stops bothering, and then you don’t hear His voice at all – because He stops talking to you. Pride is the enemy of love, because love contains the aspect of respect, and we respect God and His words enough to not only hear Him, but listen and act upon what He says, too.


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