Friday, March 31, 2023


Friday, March 31, 2023

Psalm 59

Exodus 10:1-20

Luke 21:20-28

Do forgive my sin just this once, and pray to the LORD your God that at the least He remove this deadly thing from me.

In all likelihood, Pharaoh was being insincere in making this plea to Moses. At the very least, the public servants working in his government began to understand that there was a God in heaven who was displeased at their evil policies. Maybe Pharaoh was beginning to get the message at this point, but he was still more concerned with how his nation’s success reflected upon his fame, rather than how he personally had offended his Creator.

But even in his selfishness, Pharaoh’s prayer for deliverance was answered. When the Bible says that God is quick to forgive, it is saying the truth. While the royal entourage may have been quick to worry about what worse plague would be coming for them next, at least they experienced a fleeting moment of relief from God’s justice.

For the Christian, our pleas for forgiveness are effective, because we want to be honest with God. We have beating hearts which mourn over our sin, and God sees us and hears us, and is always forgiving us whenever we ask. And we know for certain that this is the case, because we plead the blood of Christ in our favour. Because of that precious blood, nothing and no-one can get between the Christian and their God.


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