Saturday, February 11, 2023


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Psalms 95; 96

Genesis 26:18-33

Luke 5:27-39

You cannot make the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you?”

There is nothing worse than picking up a cold on a Friday. You have been slaving away all week, punching time sheets, sweating and stressing just for a paycheck. The light at the end of the tunnel is that big party planned for the weekend: there will be feasting and festivities, all your friends will be there, you will be allowed to play loud music way past bed time without getting a knock on the door from the police. But then, the dreaded loogie descends, and instead, your time off is just spent with more work: working off a sickness.

Jesus is presenting eternal life spent in His presence as a party. He compares His work of salvation with the curing of a sickness.

This attitude, of looking forward to a big party with no fear of being rudely interrupted with a last-minute health condition, is why we Christians are so full of joy. Our whole life on this earth is one big moment of anticipation, and at the time of our death, our waiting is vindicated with an eternity of celebration.

Big fears become small. Worries have an expiration date. Our labouring is done with dancing feet. This shift will be followed by the biggest party anyone has ever seen. And the best bit is, we have a taste of it already, for the kingdom of God has come near.


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