Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Psalm 22

Jonah 3

Revelation 3:14-22

I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot.

If there is one claim we could honestly make about being a Christian, it is that it is not a comfortable life. Blessings of land, family, food and health are promised alongside exhortations to stand firm against the darkness and the trials. But for the Christian, the opposite of comfort is not discomfort: it is excitement. For us, comfort is synonymous with boredom.

There is an old Celtic prayer which asks God to give the petitioner not so much poverty that they turn to sin and theft, but also not too much wealth so that they become comfortable. It is a good prayer, and it reflects the advice of Jesus to the church in Laodicea. He knows their works; they say they are rich, have prospered, and need nothing. Material comfort has descended upon this church like a fire blanket, smothering any spiritual life they might once have had, and choking them into boredom and death.

Are you comfortable, Christian? Do you feel God has blessed you and called you to a life of a fully-paid mortgage, comfortable retirement on the beach, a full belly and a peaceful death? How boring; how deathly. Christ is the source of life, He is “the origin of God’s creation”, or, as St John says, “through Him all things were made”. Is creation a peaceful event? Or is it filled with valiant deeds, heroic efforts, and yes, heartbreak, but also explosive victory and jubilant parades? This vibrancy of creation comes from its Creator, the Lord Jesus, and He did not make us for soft bottoms.

The way out of comfort and boredom is repentance. All the wealth in the world is laughable compared to the riches of heaven, and to obtain them, we turn from our sinful (and boring) ways, and buy the pure gold Jesus is selling, and the nice clothes made clean by His blood. He would not ask this of us if He did not love us. Reject boring dinner guests, wealthy according to the standards of this world: the King of Creation is knocking at the door, and He wants us to be friends.


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