Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Psalm 72

Isaiah 2:19-3:12

Mark 5:1-20

Observance: First Wednesday in Advent; Andrew, apostle and martyr

Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you.

The man in the boat, Jesus of Nazareth, the Word of God made flesh, has reached the other side of the lake. Having taught that the word He has to offer is the very power of God, and demonstrated that He is that Word incarnate by controlling the weather, He steps out into the region of the Gerasenes.

These Gerasenes are not the dutiful Jews to whom He preached yesterday. Those Jews were arborists and wheat farmers. The Gerasenes are being naughty and keeping pigs, that unclean animal prohibited by the Law. When the Word of God, which brings everything into the light of truth, comes into contact with that which should not be so, there is always conflict of some sort and to some degree.

There are many times in our daily pilgrimage when we run into situations that conflict with God’s Word and the way of Jesus. Some truths we would rather not come to light, or actions we would like to make that we know Jesus would rather we didn’t. Times when we are Jewish swineherds, making a comfortable living from active disobedience. True valour is displayed when, against all earthly opposition, we follow the way of our Master and heed the advice of His Word.

Valour through obedience leads to victory. Jesus promises us that victory when we follow Him and His Word. It does mean a struggle, and a period of time when we feel we know exactly what it means to pass through the valley of death. But this is because of the conflict between the Word and disobedience to that Word: the Word is always right and will always succeed. There is nothing to fear if conflict arises because we decide to hold true to God’s Word. We need not worry about those Isaiah is prophesying against; we don’t need to look for a cave to hide in. Because holding to the Word means we are holding onto Jesus, who always wins, and is always gentle and loving.


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