Monday, November 21, 2022


Monday, November 21, 2022

Psalm 50

Zechariah 14:1-11

Revelation 11:1-14

Our God comes and does not keep silence.

Space”, said Douglas Adams, “is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.” The universe is very big. Going out past the city lights, taking a turn off the highway in the middle of the bush, waiting until nighttime, and then looking up, can really deliver the sense that, in the grand scheme of things, we humans are insignificant.

Conceptualise past the enormity of space and consider how big then the God who made it must be. God’s mind for scale and creativity is awe-inspiring. Even if this universe was the absolute limit of God’s creative power, He would still be a Person far too distant from our minds for us to be able to consider. It is all very humbling, and it also suggests a vast distance between us and God.

In one sense, there is a vast difference between us. There is only one Being in the category of God, and everything else falls on the side of Not God, including us. We are part of creation. There is nothing about us, nothing we are made of, or think about, or plan on doing, or anything else that we do outside of God’s sovereign decree and command. We are not autonomous.

But God did not make us, feel pleased with Himself, and then zoom off to be wonderful somewhere else. He takes a very great interest in His creation, as well as great pleasure. He taught us how to live the blessed life. The two messengers in today’s reading from Revelation refers to Elijah, who signifies the prophets, and Moses, who serves the same role but for the Law. God also takes responsibility for those whom He loves, and who love Him in return. In Zechariah, His people suffer terrible war crimes. God serves justice on the perpetrators, and then also blesses those who were harmed with the promise of everlasting life in the kingdom.

God is big. Vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big. And He has counted the hairs on your head, and has your every step prepared for you so that you will eventually reach the destination of paradise. He cares very much for you, and He cares very much that you love the ways that He has showed us. To be a child of God is an immense thing; a beautiful place of rest, a comfort and defence against trouble, and the chance to live an enchanted life full of wonder and delight.


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