Friday, November 11, 2022


Friday, November 11, 2022

Psalms 28; 29

Susanna 1-33

Revelation 5

Observance: Martin, bishop of Tours (d. c. 387)

Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”

John has finished his work as scribe for the Lord Jesus, and has now walked through the door of heaven. He has seen magnificent sights, heard magnificent sounds, and has now reached the place no mortal ever thought possible: the throne room of Almighty God. God is seated on His throne holding a scroll, and is looking for someone to give it to.

No-one apparently is “worthy” to open this scroll: what is inside? Jesus is revealing things to John, who is writing them down for us, and for both John and us, we need this graphic imagery to understand the spiritual truths Jesus is teaching us. In this particular circumstance, the scroll is serving as something like a title deed for creation (ancient Roman and Greek readers would instantly have recognised this reference). God made the universe, called it good, and blessed it: who indeed is worthy to be considered as the “owner” of creation?

This Someone needs to be very special. They must hold many qualifications in order to be worthy. John hears a voice, describing one thing, the Lion. He turns, and sees something else: the Lamb.

It is like when we see something out of the corner of our eye that catches our attention. We turn and look, and see it is actually something else, yet we still understand what it is that gave us that first impression. This is the grand depth of our Lord Jesus. He is the Lion of Judah: the majestic, powerful King of the animals. He is also the Root of David; the line of kings instituted by God, which we thought lost, has been restored and perfected in the suzerainty of King Jesus. He is also the Lamb that was slain, but is alive.

This last aspect is what the heavenly chorus begin singing about. Jesus is worthy because He is the One who laid down His life in order to redeem this creation that God calls good. Jesus is many things, and all of them worthy of worship and awe. The greatest thing about Jesus, which makes Him absolutely worthy to claim His lordship over all creation, is His self-sacrificial love. He could have stayed in His palace, being attended to by angels and displaying His divine glory; but He loved you and I so much He came to be with us for a time, to destroy the power of sin, and take us back with Him to this place John now describes. He is powerful, lovely, worthy.


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