Thursday, October 27, 2022


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Psalm 140

Nehemiah 5:14-6:9

2 Peter 2:12-3:2

I am trying to arouse your sincere intention by reminding you that you should remember the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets, and the commandment of the Lord and Saviour spoken through your apostles.

One of the most embarrassing examples of humanity’s hubris is the idea that history is progressive. The idea that each generation is just a little more enlightened, forward-thinking and cultured than the one before is both laughable and demonstrably false. Consider today’s passage from 2 Peter, written two millennia ago: the most obvious marker of sinful and destructive intentions is sexual immorality.

Adultery, and it’s driver greed, lead people off the narrow and straight path. Numbers 22:21-39 is the passage Peter is referring to with the “speechless donkey” speaking with a human voice. The ridiculousness of this situation shows just how ridiculous our human desire for sexual “liberation” is. Not only does Peter point and laugh at these people, but he calls them animals, with no better use than to be caught and killed. The 1960’s didn’t usher in so much of a sexual “revolution” as it did turn the clock back two thousand years in sexual degeneration.

“People are slaves to whatever masters them”, and looking out the window into our pornographic society it is pretty obvious that our neighbours live under the yoke of what is in between their legs. It is not “the right side of history” and it is not inevitable that our culture will become more and more sexual, because eventually it will fall into cultural death, and a fruitful, godly one must replace it.

Peter told us earlier in this letter how we are to avoid falling into this same danger, and he reminds us again: read your Bible. Reading and trusting the eternal word of God gives us a firm foundation: it assures us that God loves us and that we are saved into eternal life; it gives meaning to our existence and that of the universe around us; and it teaches us how to live in accordance with the Creator of everything, that is, to lead the blessed life. Being carried along by whatever new trend comes along only leads us to death, and we can know it when we see it, because it is either greedy, sexually licentious, or both. The way of our Master is clean, holy, generous to the point of self-emptying, and He shares with us His pure divine love, which transcends what lies between our legs up to that place of heavenly ecstasy and true fulfilment.


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