Wednesday, September 14, 2022


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Psalm 34

Habakkuk 2:16-17

Ephesians 2:11-22

Observance: Holy Cross

But the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Some have described Adam and Eve's sin in the Garden as the moment when we humans declared war against God; that the story of humanity has been a story of those fighting on God's side, and those who fight with the enemy. War is certainly a main theme of Habakkuk's prophecy, and war is something we in our time like to obsess over as well.

“War” might be a particularly loaded term but it is still fairly accurate to describe the situation we are in. “Human bloodshed and violence to the earth” (Hab 2:17) is just as relevant today as it was when it was first prophesied. The Old Testament seems to describe a war in three directions: between God's people, their enemies, and between humans in general and God. Will we ever learn that to fight against God is not only fruitless but goes directly against our best interests?

God took the initiative and settled the conflict. Paul is talking about how we humans just cant help ourselves but make divisions. He is talking specifically here about the division between Jews and Gentiles. This division is as old as time itself. What could be more emblematic of the war humanity has declared against God than the division between God's chosen people and the rest of us? Jesus was therefore going directly for the source. Coming to earth as a Jew, the anointed king in the line of David, God incarnate came not only to save Israel, but also anyone else who would come along.

The terms of peace have been settled, but not everyone has yet laid down their arms. How does this war end? Listen to the words Habakkuk prophesied, quoted at the beginning. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is like a very tiny seed growing out into an enormous tree. Peace is coming; peace is here. The whole earth will know this peace, as waters cover the sea. The sea is very wet. The earth will be very peaceful.


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