Thursday, September 8, 2022


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Psalms 20; 21

2 Chronicles 36:1-14

1 John 5:13-21

Observance: Birth of Mary, mother of the Lord.

And this is the boldness we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Thanks be to God for giving us brains that can hold more than one thing at a time. John has just spent an entire letter talking about the beauty of a humble love that serves others, and now at the very end the apple-cart is at risk of turning with this idea of “boldness”. No, this is not some “contradiction” that a teenage rebel can throw in his praying mum's face. John is talking about the next level of spiritual enlightenment.

Humility and self-sacrificial love is a beautiful concept, which Jesus idealised on the cross for us. But our Lord didn't suffer and die so that we could spend the rest of eternity cowering under our omniscient God. Jesus bled and died and rose again so that we could have boldness to step into His holy palace and feast with Him as our brother and friend. If, once we are saved, we continue to hide our face from Him, we are practising a false humility. God has extended this beautiful gift to us. Receiving this gift with gratitude, opening it up, giving thanks for the wonderful present and then using it is what God expects from us.

If we have followed the flow of John's letter, we should now be in a place where we have acknowledged our sins, been cleansed of them, and now stand before our holy God in the perfect righteousness of Christ. The purpose of humanity has been restored. We are made in God's image; we are the vessels through whom God blesses the world. God the Father loves us as a perfect father. God the Son is our brother. God the Holy Spirit is our advocate. This beautiful relationship we now enter in our role as the representative of all these aspects of the Godhead in the material universe. Our primary role as representative is to pray; prayer being the way we spend time in this relationship. Next time we pray the Lord's Prayer, let's use it as it was intended: God's blessings flowing out into the world through us.


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