Thursday, September 22, 2022


Thursday, September 22, 2022

Psalm 50

Joel 1:1-14

Ephesians 5:21-33

Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.

We in the church like to talk big about “self-sacrificial love”, but I wonder if any of us truly understand what that really means. Those who vote progressive might think it means to give up our income to be redistributed through the tax system. Conservative voters might hear it as a call to serve the nation using terms like “duty”. Instead of tickling our ears by reading into the text what kind of sacrifice we would like to make, let's instead think of how much we would be willing to give up in the service of Christ.

Paul is giving specific instructions on the Christian life using the foundational argument that he has already laid out in previous chapters: Christ is the head of the body, we are the members. Christ does not just walk alongside us, or live inside us in a special room ready to spit out blessings here and there, or sit below us, ready to clean up our mess. Christ wants everything from us. The Lord God who made us wants to use us as intended. Any objection from our side is getting in the way of God's plans.

Look at Paul's instruction for married couples. Each one of the two partners must surrender themselves entirely to the other, for they are now one. “This is a great mystery, and (Paul) is now applying it to the Christ and the church”. Any trendy, modern reading of this passage that seeks to complain about outdated social norms is missing the point. How much does Christ love us, the church? How much of ourselves does God demand from us in service? If we used every language in the world put together there would not be enough superlatives ready to describe the answer to these questions. Therefore, if we truly have surrendered ourselves entirely to Jesus who loved us and gave Himself entirely for us, there is no demand too great: because it is no longer the “I”, but Christ.


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