Monday, September 26, 2022


Monday, September 26, 2022

Psalms 65; 70

Joel 2:25-38

Colossians 1:1-8

[The gospel] is bearing fruit and growing in the whole world...

There are a lot of different ideas about where the world is headed. The ancients thought of history as a circle, repeating itself; modernists saw history as a gradual increase of technology and scientific understanding; some pessimists in our time think we are on a precipice, like an unfortunate desert creature out of a cartoon, hanging on by a fingertip.

As Christians, there are certain promises in the word of God we can hang on to. Psalm 65 this morning spoke of a natural world rich and fertile, full rivers, and healthy forests. Joel prophesied that the day is coming when God will dwell with us in the most intimate sense; and Paul is brimming with optimism when he thinks about the future of the mission of the church.

The section in the middle of today's reading from Joel is quoted by the apostle Peter at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-36). He claims that what Joel spoke about has already happened! God is dwelling with His people: you and I, right now. There will be a “Day of the Lord”, where all evil is ended, finally and forever, but in the meantime, the kingdom of God is still growing.

God has blessed us with the role of taking part in this growth of the kingdom. God has given us the free gift of life and salvation, and God has given us the protection and weaponry required to keep us safe. Now we learn that God is well and truly within us, using us for His means. Today's message is confidence: because we know where this story is headed, things can only get better from here. The kingdom is growing, and we are in the thick of it all.


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