Friday, August 19, 2022


Friday, August 19, 2022

Psalm 110; 111

2 Chronicles 31:1-12a

Romans 13

Since they began to bring the contributions into the house of the LORD, we have had enough to eat and have plenty to spare; for the LORD has blessed his people, so that we have this great supply left over.”

Romans 13 is such a quarrelsome passage. Obey this government? What a ridiculous statement!

Wherever one sits on the political spectrum, this passage is upsetting. Without bringing down the mood of such a lovely morning, I will simply point out that the experience of the church in North America during Covid has led to much discussion over this topic. Two of the most vocal churches have been Grace Community Church in California, led by John MacArthur, and Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, led by Doug Wilson. You may disagree with them, but they at least have put in the effort of thought and action.

What I would like to focus on is the image of the ideal society we have under the rule of Hezekiah. He has re-dedicated the temple, and the people have gone out and destroyed the altars to the false gods. Now that they are following the law of love (as Paul describes the ideal society), the people have realised they have more food than they can eat!

Remember that Paul wrote these words under Nero's reign of terror. Christians were severely persecuted at the time this letter was written. But instead of going to a rally and holding a placard (or throwing a Molotov cocktail at a police car), Paul exhorts us to love one another, and live in peace and humility. Let's keep our eyes on the big picture: God is in control, and He is coming back to root out all evil. In the meantime, we shall love and serve the Lord and, therefore, one another.


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