Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Psalms 65; 70

Hosea 2:1-13

Romans 4:13-25

No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God...

Today's section of Hosea has made many trendy modern types uncomfortable. Graphic imagery of a man casting out his unfaithful wife does not blend well with today's culture wars. But since we are faithful students of God's word, let's try and figure out together what God is saying to us.

Let's think for a moment about what state of mind the husband in this situation must be in. (This is imagery; God teaching us invisible spiritual truths using examples we would understand.) Marriage is meant to be a covenant of trust: two people making a promise to stay exclusive and faithful. If one of those people runs off and misbehaves with other people outside the marriage, that trust is broken. There is no more relationship. This brokenness makes the faithful person in the couple very upset.

This trust is what Paul means when he says “faith”. In our modern language, the word “faith” might as well have the word “blind” before it, because it has lost all meaning. Faith in the biblical sense does not mean “intellectual assent”, since “even the demons believe” (James 2:19). Jesus told us we should be like little children (Matt 18:3). Even children have some basic level of critical thinking; their faith is not blind. The advantage they have over us is their trust. Just as the little children trust the adults in their life to have their back, our “saving faith” is a complete trust that God is looking out for us, blessing us, even saving us unto eternal life and love in His warm embrace. Jesus died and rose from the dead. Do we trust that this is enough?


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