Plentiful Harvest (Luke 10:2)
Monday, March 3, 2025
Psalm 9
Genesis 35:1-15
Luke 10:1-12
A tradition in the Anglican church that we really ought to pay more attention to is the practise of praying on our Ember Days. For three days, four times a year, we are to pray intentionally for the ordained ministry of the church. Listen to what Jesus says about those who are to proclaim the nearness of the kingdom of God: “I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves”. It truly is a miracle that anyone even enters the ministry, let alone sticks through it to the end.
But if we are to take today’s reading as it appears before us, then we need not restrict this thought only to those who are ordained. Indeed, every Christian is called to proclaim the kingdom of God, and that it has come near. Every Christian is to go out, trusting in the Lord’s provision, and heal the sick. Every Christian is sent out by Jesus as a lamb in the midst of wolves. Every Christian needs the type of miraculous intervention and protection that only comes by praying to the Lord of the harvest.
The flip-side to this is that the harvest is plentiful. We need not wallow in melancholy, praying desperately only that the Lord will keep us safe amongst the wolves. No, there is a plentiful harvest to be brought in. Lambs amongst wolves, yes, but also emissaries and ambassadors of the King of kings, who rules over all and holds all by the word of his power.
It is God’s good pleasure that he works through us feeble Christians to bring about his kingdom. He is pleased to care for us, and so we ought to be confident in our kingdom work. And we receive this Godly care humbly, because why on earth would God choose people like us to talk about and live out the message of Jesus? It is a miracle that we are Christian; it is a miracle that we have been given the task of bringing in the Lord’s harvest; it is a miracle that the harvest is plentiful and God will give us success in this kingdom work.
What part of his harvest has the Lord sent you into? How will you remain safe as a lamb amongst wolves? How will you be reassured that the harvest is plentiful?
Lord of the harvest: your harvest is plentiful, and we bless you for sending us out into your great harvest. Cover us with your peace, so that we may be safe amongst the wolves, and bring all your children into your kingdom, which is very near.
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