Wings of a dove covered with silver.


Monday, November 27, 2023

Psalm 68:1-20

2 Kings 23:4-15

Mark 1:29-39

Observance: Ember Day

Wings of a dove covered with silver.

The Lord God is a fearsome adversary for those who would oppose Him. Rising from His throne, He scatters His enemies with the flash of lightning, the peal of thunder, an onrushing tide, an unstoppable force. Holiness attends our God, holiness that consumes and destroys all imperfections. Darkness has nowhere to flee; God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. Those who hate God and love evil melt like wax.

Sing praises to Him who rides on the clouds! The Son of Man who, after He had died for the sins of His people, rose again from the dead, and ascended into heaven on clouds, rode those clouds to the throne of the Ancient of Days. (Daniel 7:13-14)

Here in the holy dwelling of God is where the orphans and widows find their comfort and shelter. Blessed are the meek, the poor in spirit, those who mourn: here they are comforted directly by God Himself.

God does not remain in one place. He covers the earth, upholding all creation by the word of His power. God is on His holy mountain, and He is also wherever those who love Him may be found. God’s majesty is not defined by His most spectacular displays of power. It is in the lesser places, the quiet, the humble, the gentle places where God’s majesty really comes out.

Even if God lies among the animal stalls, there is God’s awesome holiness. In a dirty trough filled with animal feed was found a dove with wings of silver and plumes of green gold. Two thousand years ago in a manger the Son of Man began His journey of kingship and inheritance. The saviour of the world, born in an animal stall. God almighty, inhabiting human flesh, gurgling and kicking His little baby feet.

The beauty of God is found in the places where others would not expect beauty to be found. At the kitchen table, in front of the washing machine, out the back where the chickens are picking at the kitchen scraps – this is where the meek and humble people of God plod along in faithful obedience, building the cathedral of God’s kingdom on earth. Even when God is where the animals feed, there are wings of a dove covered with silver, and its plumes with green gold.


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